Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and my take on health

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola

I have never seen Dr. Oz... but I am leery of TV doctors: just remember Dr. Phil...

Dr. Oz: personal vibration: 200. His recommendations average at 195, slightly on the side of death...

Dr. Mercola: personal vibration: 250. His recommendations average at 250.

Why not higher?

Because the entire health industry and health science as a whole vibrates at 200. So Dr. Mercola picks out the relatively higher vibration stuff... but as a system, it is all low vibration, Tree of Knowledge stuff. Each person thinks their method, their thought is right, and there is no holistic thoughts, only lip service to same.

I have found only a few things truthful:

Your character and your reactive nature is more damaging than most things, and the Heaven on Earth and soul correction take care of that.
The energy of the food and the water you put in your body is crucial, that is why I have attended to that aspect
You can't build a healthy body

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